Exams and University

Important Information on Exam Registration and University Applications

Where to Write Exams

One of the many attractions of the International GCSE and AS-Level Qualification for which we offer support is that they may be written almost anywhere in the world, either at registered schools that accept private candidates or through British Council offices.

So although I.I.C. is not yet a registered examination centre (Due to our being a 100% online/distance learning institution) you should be able to write your exams wherever you are based. As long as any of the registered Schools in your area that offer these exams accept independent candidates or the British Council office in your city is a registered examination centre and offers the International GCSE and AS-Level exams – you will be able to study through I.I.C. and register to write your exams via your chosen centre.

Registered Schools that Accept Private Candidates

To learn more about being a private candidate and find a school in your area visit this webpage – We recommend directly contacting any schools that you find listed and confirming whether they do in fact accepts private candidates as this list can from time to time be outdated.

British Council Offices that Offer the Exams

To find out if there is a British Council that offers International GCSE and AS-Level examinations in your country and city – select your country from the list on this webpage and then search their website for examinations that are offered, alternatively, contact them to confirm whether or not they offer exams and in which cities.

Your Responsibility

I.I.C. provides its students with the necessary exam registration information when registration opens. However if you would like to register it is incumbent on the student and/or their parents to follow through with the registration process.

How to Apply to Institutes of Tertiary Education

How you apply to tertiary education institutes depends on your chosen course of study through us as well as the location of the tertiary institution.

It is VITAL that you do some research upfront. Begin with the end in mind, i.e. have an idea of where you would like to end up studying. You do not have to have an exact goal in mind but you do need to have a few options and understand the minimum requirements for each option.

Decide on both the location and type of tertiary studies you would like to do (i.e. you might want to study medicine in South Africa or perhaps a degree in Journalism in America or even an Interior design course in Europe).

Once you know what you want to study you need to contact an institution that offers your chosen course in the location that you wish to study and you need to find out all of the requirements for entry into that course.

Once you have this information you will be able to go through our Subject Choice Guidelines process and decide on the best route for your studies with I.I.C. and thereafter.

Based on these subject choices and your chosen route of study you can select one of the buttons below to find more information on the steps required to prepare for your application to Tertiary Education institutes.

South African Institutes

International Institutes

If you are unsure of any of the above topics please contact us and we will gladly explain them in more detail.