Course Time-Frames

Our courses run over either 18 months or 12 months and we have 2 intakes per year.


Intakes Per Year


Month Courses


Month Courses

Both our International GCSE (Gr 10/11) and AS-Level (Gr 12) courses are either 12 months or 18 months long, depending on a student’s academic background.

Students who enter at a grade 10 level (i.e. after completing grade 9 or equivalent), who choose the 18 month course option, will take 3 years to obtain their Matric Certificate provided they complete all of the course material in the allotted time and pass the required exams as intended.

The 12 month course option is available for students who wish to fast-track their studies, or who have perhaps completed a portion of their syllabus for that particular grade and wish to write sooner than 18 months from the date of enrollment.

We have two intakes per year, one in January and another in July. This is possible as the International GCSE and AS-Level examinations are held worldwide in May/June every year and also October/November every year.

As such a student who begins an 18 month course in January will write exams in the following year’s May/June  session while a student who begin an 18 month course with us in July will write their exams in the October/November session of the following year. A student who begins a 12 month course with us in January will write exams in the October/November session of that same year, while a student beginning a 12-month course with us in July will write their exams in the May/June session of the following year.

Students are allowed to either aim for an earlier exam session, effectively shortening either their International GCSE or AS-Level courses by 6 months, or aim for a following exam session, effectively extending their studies by 6 months. Extensions require a purchase of a 6 month extension of tutor support and shortening of courses does not warrant any form of credit/discount. Both of these options are made at the discretion of the parents and student and the onus is on them to inform I.I.C. of their intentions in order for I.I.C. to accommodate them in either case.